Owlets Preschool have had to take the difficult decision to increase our fees. We fully recognise this is already a challenging time for many of our families, and so we have endeavoured to keep these increases to the minimum level needed to ensure that we are able to continue delivering high-quality care and education to you and your family.
New Fee-Paying Amounts:
As from April 2024 September 2024
2-year-olds £7.50p per hour £8.00 per hour
3–4-year-olds £5.75p per hour £6.00 per hour
The decision to increase our fees is in line with other childcare settings in our local area, unfortunately some settings are having to reduce the days and hours they are operating or are having to close permanently. This is a reality for our setting too if we do not increase our fees for fee paying children and charge a Consumable fee for government funded children.
Consumable Fee
We will be introducing the Consumable Fee from September 2024; this is necessary as the government under-funding of early years settings and the current economic climate meaning it is not financially viable for settings to provide the pre-school places for ‘free’.
We will be charging 50p per child per hour.
15 hours funded = £7.50p per week
30 hours funded = £15.00 per week
fee paying children are welcome on their 2nd birthday.
Funding can be split across 2 settings to meet your requirements, simply ask Joanne or Michelle for more information.
We are fully aware of the current cost of living crises & aim to help as many families as possible. Please take a look at the following link to see how the Government can help with your childs funding.
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK