Owlets preschool is a registered charity, and is run by a committee. Our committee is made up of volunteers who work hard to fundraise to provide us with new and fun equipment and help us to keep ours fee as low as we can.
The committee is made up of:
We always welcome new members and it is a great way to be involved in the running of the preschool, to have your say, to gain experience in new skills, and to meet other parents.
We meet once every half term to discuss business decisions and organise fundraising events. The committee is in charge of the following:
If you are interested in joining the committee please contact us by email at owletscommittee@outlook.com
Alternatively you could fill in the form below & hand it in to a member of staff
Owlets are currently looking to recruit Level 2 or Level 3 Bank staff. If you are interested in joining our team please complete the application form & send it via email at owletscommittee@outlook.co.uk